Bibliotheque de Humanisme et Renaissance

ISSN: 0006-1999 | An open access multidisciplinary journal | Approved by DGRSDT

Volume 61, Issue 2, 2001

  1. Customized Information Retrieval in E-Health via Cloud Computing
    A. Priya, R. Krishnan
    Page 1 – 6
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  2. Designing a Compact 128-Bit Carry Select Adder with Minimal Delay Using D Latches
    S. Nithya, R. Priyadarshini, M. Divya
    Page 7 – 14
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  3. Creating a Website for WhatsApp Installation on Windows PC Without Mobile Phones or Emulator Applications
    V. Manoj, S. Deepika
    Page 15 – 25
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  4. Failure Analysis of Reheaters Utilizing ANSYS Simulation
    G. Sanjay, R. Anand
    Page 26 – 31
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  5. Brainwave Control System for Stress Reduction and Automobile Ignition Automation to Prevent Driving Under the Influence
    A. Karthik
    Page 32 – 39
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  6. Efficient ALU Design and Implementation Utilizing Gated Diffusion Index
    L. Keerthi, S. Kavya
    Page 40 – 45
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  7. SGCAR: Enhanced Secure Routing Protocol for Interplanetary Networks
    R. Harish, P. Balaji
    Page 46 – 51
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