Manuscripts should be submitted using the ScholarOne Manuscript tool. First-time authors will be required to create an account in ScholarOne. Instructions and information can be found in the ScholarOne Manuscripts author guide.
Manuscripts should be written in English and should not be (a) previously published in a different or similar form (e.g., a book chapter) or (b) under consideration for publication in any other journal or outlet. However, manuscripts which have previously appeared as preprints are eligible for publication (see below). In case of detecting ethical malpractice during the peer review process, including, but not limited to, ghostwriting, plagiarism, data manipulation, or falsification, the editorial team will take appropriate action based on the COPE guidelines for ethical conduct in scientific publishing (see the Publishing Ethics section for more details).
Article Type and Length
ACP accepts the following article types:
- Original research articles
- Original theoretical articles (including method articles)
- Replication studies
ACP does not enforce a formal upper length limit, although for single study article we encourage manuscripts to be no longer than 40 pages (around 10 000 words) including the reference list (suggested amount of 60 references). Whenever appropriate, authors should include auxiliary information in the Supplementary Materials section at the end of the manuscript.
We encourage authors to make their results available on preprint servers such as PsyArXiv or bioRxiv. This can be done before submission, during reviews, or following the editorial decision. Information about any existing preprints should be clearly disclosed in the manuscript in the Acknowledgements section.
Peer Community in Registered Reports (PCI RR) at Bibliotheque de Humanisme et Renaissance
Introduction: Bibliotheque de Humanisme et Renaissance is proud to be a member of the Peer Community in Registered Reports (PCI RR), which conducts Stage 1 and Stage 2 reviews of RR preprints within our disciplinary scope. As a PCI RR-friendly journal, we offer automatic Stage 1 in-principle acceptance (IPA) to any Stage 1 RR within our scope that receives IPA at PCI RR. We accept Stage 2 RRs recommended by PCI RR without further peer review, provided they meet our journal’s requirements.
Submission Guidelines for PCI RR: Authors intending to publish in our journal via PCI RR should submit their Stage 2 Registered Report using our usual submission system. The manuscript must include the URL to the reviews and recommendation at PCI RR. Additionally, authors should provide a cover letter stating their submission via the PCI RR track, including a URL to the recommended preprint and confirming the manuscript’s identity with the recommended preprint.
Data Sharing: Bibliotheque de Humanisme et Renaissance encourages open data sharing to facilitate research discovery and reproducibility. Authors are encouraged to share research data, including raw data, processed data, metadata, software, algorithms, protocols, and materials. We ask authors willing to share data to provide links to trusted, public repositories within their manuscripts.
Manuscript Formatting: Our journal follows the 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). Manuscripts should be prepared in .doc/.docx format, using a readable font (e.g., Times New Roman) in 12 pt. size, double-spaced. The text should be divided into indented paragraphs.
Reference Formatting: The reference list should follow the 7th version of the APA Publication Manual. Sort references alphabetically, and include DOI numbers where possible. Foreign-language works should include an English translation of the title alongside the original title.
Language: Manuscripts should be written in correct scientific English. Authors are encouraged to follow the APA Publication Manual’s guidelines for reducing bias in language.
Editorial Policy Concerning Automatic Plagiarism Screening: Bibliotheque de Humanisme et Renaissance uses Crossref Similarity Check for plagiarism screening. Manuscripts with a similarity index below 40% will proceed to evaluation, while those above 40% will be subjected to manual review.
Licensing, Copyright, and Open Access: Articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) license. Authors retain copyright, and subsequent republications require acknowledgment.
Post-publication Corrections: Bibliotheque de Humanisme et Renaissance remains open to post-publication corrections, errata, and corrigenda.