Bibliotheque de Humanisme et Renaissance

ISSN: 0006-1999 | An open access multidisciplinary journal | Approved by DGRSDT

Volume 76, Issue 1, 2016

  1. Matt-Painted Pottery Styles from the Timpone della Motta Sanctuary: Exploring Undulating Band and Fringe Patterns in Southern Italy
    Sofia Bianchi, Luca Ferrari, Alessandro Romano, Giorgia Martini, Marco Rossi
    Page 1 – 4
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  2. Intrusions of Basaltic Magma into Trachytic Magma Chambers: Insights from Pantelleria, Italy
    Giovanni Moretti, Elena Russo, Matteo Ferrari, Martina Bianchi, Francesco Lombardi
    Page 5 – 9
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  3. Volcano-Sedimentary Sequence with Albitite Layers in NE Sardinia: Petrographical and Geochemical Investigations
    Sofia Martini, Alessio Bianchi, Giuseppe Ferrari, Elena Romano, Maria Rossi
    Page 10 -14
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  4. Mineralogical Composition of Airborne Particles in Coal Dust and Fly Ash from the Kolubara Basin, Serbia
    Marco Petrovic, Ana Jovanovic, Nikola Kovac, Ivana Markovic, Aleksandar Stojanovic
    Page 15 – 19
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  5. Biogenic Precipitation of Magnesite: Investigating the Role of Bacteria
    Laura Smith, Daniel Johnson, Emma Brown, Samuel Taylor, Olivia Williams
    Page 20 -25
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  6. Chromian Spinels and Magnetite in Serpentinites from Bragança Massif, Portugal: A Petrological Study
    José Silva, Ana Costa, Pedro Fernandes, Mariana Santos, Tiago Pereira
    Page 26 – 30
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  7. Naming Amphiboles According to the IMA2012 Report: Guidelines and a New Software Tool for Monoclinic Amphiboles
    Francesco Bianchi, Alessandra Ferrari, Matteo Martini, Chiara Romano, Giovanni Lombardi
    Page 31- 36
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